With thousands of outlets worldwide and growing, audio drama is the new frontier in storytelling. From family dramas tales to epic space battles and period pieces to large-cast musicals, it is a medium without limits, because the audience creates the visual world in their mind. In Stories Told through Sound, audio-dramatist Barry M. Putt, Jr. lays out the essentials of the form in an engaging, easy-to-understand manner. He offers dozens of tactics and strategies: the top reasons audiences don’t connect with a character and how to avoid them, ways to create exciting plot twists, career pitfalls to watch out for, and how to draft a dynamic marketing plan that will keep your work in the forefront of any industry professional’s mind. It includes tips from a number of top-tier professionals to help give a deeper understanding of how to find success in a new and exciting creative industry.
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“If you want to write an audio drama, Barry M. Putt, Jr. has written the most comprehensive book on the subject you will find anywhere. He has done a masterful job of walking the reader, step-by-step, through the process of telling a story purely through dialogue and sound. Barry covers everything from character creation and structure to how to write show bibles and contracts so you can be part of the exciting renaissance of this dynamic form. It’s all here! I’d go as far as to say every storyteller should have this book on their shelf, because it’s packed with invaluable, detailed information about how to get your vision out of your head, onto the page, and into the world.”—Gina Gold, co-executive producer, NCIS
"If you want to write and sell an audio drama, this enlightening guide—which is both comprehensive and specific—will help you jump-start your career or improve your skills if you are already a pro".—David Trottier, script consultant and author of The Screenwriter’s Bible
“Barry M. Putt, Jr. opens the door to audio drama—Go on in and write! He covers both the craft and the business so you’ll have a good idea what to do with that script when you finish it.”—Ellen Sandler, playwright, TV writer/producer and author of The TV Writers Workbook
“Barry M. Putt, Jr.'s book Stories Told through Sound is a reminder that writing is a craft and an art, and that sound is as important as the visual. The book emphasizes all the elements of craft, character, structure, and genre. It takes you through all the elements with many practical examples. I would recommend this book for writers of audio as well as the visual storytelling forms. It's helpful and refreshing in its avoidance of one strategy over all others. And it's written by a writer who is sharing his experience.”—Ken Dancyger, author of Alternative Scriptwriting, Storytelling from First Word to Last Frame, The Technique of Film and Video Editing, Global Scriptwriting
“Training playwrights to consider sound in their plays is an on-going struggle. How much easier might it be if we began training all playwrights from the start in audio-drama? If that idea should ever take hold in our dramatic writing training programs, Barry M. Putt, Jr., has the textbook at the ready in Stories Told through Sound. This book is everything you want a craft book to be, from structure of stories all the way to their production and beyond. He leaves no area untouched, undiscovered, or ignored. If you’re remotely interested in telling stories through sound (and any writer of the theatre should be), this is the book for you.”—Gary Garrison, former executive director of Creative Affairs, Dramatists Guild of America
Book Events/Appearances
Audio-Drama Workshops and Book Signings::
January 24, 2024 at the Doylestown Bookshop, Doylestown, PA. Click here for information.
February 28, 2024 at Centenary University, Hackettstown, NJ, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., President's Circle Room.
March 12, 2024 at the Drama Book Shop, New York, NY, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Click here to attend.
March 14, 2024 “Maker’s Day" held at the Franklin Township Public Library, Somerset, NJ. 6 to 7 p.m.
May 10, 2024 at Mercer County Teen Arts Festival held at Mercer County Community College, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Podcast and Radio Interviews:
Creative Writing Life podcast. (The episode featuring Barry M. Putt, Jr. premiered in 2/2024. Listen here.
Stage Whisper podcast. (The episode featuring Barry M. Putt, Jr. premiered on 3/5/2024. Listen here.
Dawnversations podcast (Barry M. Putt, Jr.'s episode premiered in July, 2024)
James Elden's Playwright's Spotlight (The episode featuring Barry premiered on 6/11/2024)
Rendezvous With A Writer on LA Talk Radio (The episode featuring Barry premiered on 10/10/2024)
The Drama Book Show (The episode featuring Barry M. Putt, Jr. premieres in fall of 2024) More soon!
To register for the next virtual or in-person audio-drama writing course taught by Barry, click here.